Extend Coverage
Coverage After Graduation
If you are graduating, are currently insured under UT SHIP and have had continuous coverage on your policy for at least four months, you are eligible to continue your coverage for an additional three months. The insurance company has additional rules that apply. Please read rules and instructions listed below.
To enroll, visit the enrollment page. You must enroll within 30 days of the expiration of the current policy. If you do not enroll within 30 days, your application and payment will be denied and returned to you. Continuation is for a mandatory three months, and you must pay for all three months at the time of enrollment.
Continuation of Coverage Monthly Rate
Student | Spouse | Each Child |
$266 | $266 | $426 |
Summer Coverage
All students holding non-immigrant visas and enrolled in summer classes or (0+) internship are automatically enrolled in UT SHIP. Non-immigrant visa holders not registered for summer courses do not automatically have medical coverage.
If you would like to have health insurance during the summer semester while you are not taking any classes, you may enroll directly with the insurance company. To enroll, visit the enrollment page. You must enroll during the summer open enrollment period. For information about how to enroll, visit how to purchase student health insurance or contact our office.